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Oct 10, 2023

Prime Day Deals for Food Photographers

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We love a good deal and know that you do too, which is why we're sharing some of our favorite Prime Day Deals for Food Photographers!

We shared these over on our Instagram earlier today and will keep you updated as we see more deals come through.

While we aren't seeing killer deals on camera gear yet, we have found several styling items and kitchen essentials…you know, the things that make life easier for a food photographer!

Why we love these prime day deals

We love these styling items for various reasons. Most of them can be used for more than one shoot, which is always key when looking for items. Why waste money on things you can only use once? Unlesssss they are absolutely adorable (like the vintage coffee mugs).

The parchment paper is a must for food photographers. I use it for both mess free baking and styling which makes it a great all purpose item to always have on hand.

I shared about the rotary cheese grater over on Instagram this week and while I had a few on camera blunders, I promise this thing works like a charm. When you're working with cheesy dishes, using off the block cheese is an absolute MUST. Pre-shredded cheese is covered in cellulose which keeps it from clumping together in the bag and keeps the cheese from completely melting together, which is what makes for yummy cheese pull shots. So having an easy-to-use and easy-to-clean cheese grater, like this one, is actually pretty important.

We've got even more deals linked in our shop so be sure to click below to see more. Check back with us on Instagram and tag us @prettyfocusedcourse so we can see what items you filled your cart with!

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