Pretty Focused Code of Conduct
(for Students, Grads & Bloggers)

The Pretty Focused Code of Conduct is for the Pretty Focused Community, including but not limited to students, graduates and bloggers. It outlines the expected behavior of anyone participating in the community. It is essential to follow these guidelines so that the Pretty Focused Community has a safe and professional space to learn, connect, and grow their businesses.

Students, graduates, and bloggers are required to behave professionally at all times. This means treating Pretty Focused owners, students, graduates, bloggers, and other 3rd party partners of Pretty Focused with respect and behaving in a way that reflects positively within the community.

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment
Pretty Focused is dedicated to offering a space free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. It is imperative that all students, graduates, and bloggers treat everyone within the community with equity and respect their diverse backgrounds. It is strictly prohibited to engage in any form of discriminatory or harassing behavior based on an individual's race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Any illegal activity or violation of laws will not be tolerated.
This includes but is not limited to Copyright infringement and stolen property (ex, content delivered or services rendered but not paid for or money accepted for services/products but failure to deliver agreed-upon services/products.)

Reporting Violations
If anyone within the community witnesses any unethical behavior or becomes aware of any violations of this code of conduct, they should immediately report it to Melodee Fiske, Owner of Pretty Focused via email Retaliation against individuals who report violations in good faith is strictly prohibited.

Consequences of Noncompliance
If a student, graduate, or blogger violates this code of conduct, Pretty Focused reserves the right to immediately remove them from the Buyer’s Club and any other groups/programs facilitated by Pretty Focused. The consequences will depend on the violation’s severity, frequency, and circumstances.


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