Discover Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Food Photographer with our Free Four-Module Course
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I'm Melodee!
Quick disclosure: This page contains affiliate links which means we may receive a commission when you use our links. Did you know you don’t need the most expensive camera or the best gear to take incredible photos? All you need are two must-use food photography lighting tips to get the best results every time. We can […]
Launching a new career can be incredibly intimidating, and with good reason. You don’t know what to expect and only want to succeed. It might seem like a pipe dream, but you can achieve your food photography dreams! We have three food photography business tips for beginners that will change how you launch your career. […]
If you’ve ever thought about becoming a food photographer, chances are you’ve come across a few misconceptions that might make the process feel overwhelming—or worse, lead you down the wrong path. Food blog photography is an incredible career choice for those who love food, creativity, and working from home, but it’s also a specialized field […]
We'll Walk You Through: Why Bloggers Hire Photographers, ​How High The Demand Is, ​How Much Food Photographers Earn, ​AND SO MUCH MORE!
As a former school teacher, I wanted to be able to contribute financially to my family, but the desire to work from home while my boys were young outweighed everything. I’d been photographing as a hobby for several years and loved it, so starting my own home-based photography business seemed like the answer. What I learned, was that I just need a kitchen, a camera, and a computer to help me do it
You want flexibility to be able to take time off when you want, where you want, and how you want; without asking anyone for permission.
You want to have financial stability so you don't have to put the holidays on credits cards or stress over the month to month finances.
You're looking for more time with family or the kids, but your current situation doesn't allow you to take time off when you want or need to.
You're struggling to find something that you love; that joins your passions with consistent and reliable income.
Since I graduated I have learned to set up and run my own business, which has provided me with the resources to do the things that I want to do, and the freedom to do it when I want to. I really enjoy life when I get to do what I love and be creative every day.
Earn money while being a full time stay at home mom! I only work during my 18 month old's nap time, so I almost never have to lose time with her. I have the freedom and flexibility to take a nap if I need to because I didn't sleep the night before or we're just having a hard day.
I have been able to discover a work/life balance I didn’t think was possible. I am able to provide for my family on just 25 to 30 hours of work a week. And if I want more work, it’s there, because food photography is a constantly growing field!
After going through Pretty Focused, I had the tools I needed to more than triple the amount of money I was making per recipe and I'm able to work less. Being able to scale back the number of recipes I do AND make more every month is really freeing!
Once you graduate, Pretty Focused is like no other vocational program; even if you spend tens of thousands of dollars on classes. Because not one of them has a Buyer’s Club set up with clients as soon as you graduate. That’s unheard of.
I could be way busier, but I am as busy as I want to be. I make my money and shoot my recipes in the first half of the month. And then I take 2 weeks off! I went to Hawaii with my mom last month for a week, and I still did all my work. I work when and how much I want.
Our students are connected to potential clients looking to hire after graduation.
We have a team of coaches that work with every student to ensure they are successful.
learning should be easy and simple. We give specific and detailed instruction all along the way.
🗹 Why bloggers hire photographers
​🗹 How high the demand is
🗹 ​How much food photographers earn
🗹 ​What the work looks like
🗹 ​What camera equipment is needed
🗹 ​How to set-up a home studio
🗹 How to set up your camera
​🗹 How to choose the right camera lens
🗹 ​Propper lighting
🗹 ​ISO, Aperature, Shutter Speed, and MORE!
🗹 ​Shooting in RAW
🗹 ​Everything you need to know about Lightroom
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